Posted by: annmucc | March 6, 2009

Am I an Idiot?

I found money on the floor…and returned it to the police! Am I an idiot or not? Please convince me that I am not! 

At the moment I am really hoping no one will collect it, and it will be mine in 4 weeks time O:). *Innocent smile*


Lost Money

Lost Money


  1. this is what makes you adorable. besides, if you kept that money, you’d feel so guilty, you’d hand it to the police anyway. 🙂

  2. this morning I returned extra notes that were given to me which I hadn’t paid for but already had.. I could have given them to a friend..
    ok its a diffferent case like $0.15 compared to I don’t know how much… but nifhem 🙂

  3. @ Grace: Hehe – you read me well there…If I had kept the money I would have DEFINITELY not enjoyed spending it…so I hope this will bring the money back to me guilt-free O:). The main problem is that the 4 weeks the police keep them expire when I am returning to Malta (and I only have 2 weeks to collect them, during which time I am in Malta!!!) So probably it will be a made scramble of collecting the money, packing, running for the bus, and million other things…why couldn’t it have been easier??

    @ Mina: Hmm…notes…generally I would have given them to a friend O:) I am not THAT nice O:)

  4. I think you did the right thing 🙂

  5. @ Wen: Thanks :D…feel better now about myself than hitting myself as I was doing last night!

  6. I wish more people would think like you. You did the right thing. 🙂

  7. […] I an Idiot? Confirmed! By annmucc Remember this post? I think I was an idiot! The four weeks were up today, so I went to see about collecting the money. […]

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